Monday, 25 August 2008

Climb Every Mountain, Ford Every Stream

The pueblo de Iruya is 2800 metres above sea level in the Andes. Access is by collectivo - a bone jarring bus trip on a narrow dirt track which crosses stony river beds and winding through a stunningly beautiful and narrow valley from the town of Humahuaca. The road (track) is so narrow that you question how you are ever going to be able to get past the oncoming bus, but you do - albeit with views from the dizzying height of 3900 metres at Abra del Condor pass which where you cross from Jujuy province back into Salta province.
Iruya is such a beautiful pueblo snuggled into the hillside with steep (very steep!) cobbled streets and a timeless atmosphere. Nosotros dined for every meal at Tina's place - check out the photo opposite for a picture her with her ricissimo empanadas.
We went to the pueblito of San Isidro by caballo, a two hour walk away and then returned. This was a highlight for me porque on our return we saw four condores pasando overhead. Truly graceful birds riding the warm thermal afternoon winds. Very special to see the I can really relate to my favourite pieve of music El Condor Pasa.

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