Tuesday, 13 May 2008

Light Fingeredness

This picture is of a typical cobbled street in Buenos Aires. They are so beautiful to look at besides keeping the traffic to a reasonable pace.

Well it probably had to happen at some stage, and today was the day. Some little @#$%%^&* knicked my wallet out of my bag on the subte. I have spent the afternoon down at the Turista Police station with an extremely mucho mucho handsome policeman, which was a bonus cos I would prefer to have been walking down to Puerto Madero where I was headed to pick up my ceiidh ticket (the difference between normal police and the tourist police is that tourist police speak English).
I cant even say I felt it happen other than being very heavily pushed as I was boarding the subte. Obviously very well practiced at their job. AFS has been really great and has lent me money until replacement cards arrive and the bank will quickly send new cards.
It was quite stressful actually - I only noticed because I went to pay for something and then couldn't find my wallet. And then you go through the whole 'it must be here' or 'i must have left it at home', but then I had to pay for the subte and my return ticket was in my wallet.
A lesson learned..I will buy a new bag with a zip - although the thieves here also cut the straps of your bags to get what they want as well...so, you just dont know.


Anonymous said...

That's dreadful. Do you need something to hang from your neck in front of you perhaps. Perhaps your little pouch round your wrist and clasping it! Good luck with a solution. Really quite clever arn't they? Rob back to Aus today - shared a fresh fish dinner with them on Tues night! Lovely. He caught about a dozen. Love Mum

Anonymous said...

Hola "Mocha fiesta". Somos un matrimonio cordobés (donde parece que no has estado :( ) Buscando fotos de parques nacionales de aquí llegamos a tu blog y nos hemos divertido mucho con tus experiencias, comentarios y las cosas que te han llamado la atención (ej: "paseoperro" je je) ¡Hasta te robaron la cartera! Experiencia argentina completa. Saludos y que seas feliz. Gracias