Sunday, 18 May 2008

Monuments and Statues

There are dozens of monuments and statues around barrio norte where yo vivo. Many of them are of the countries military leaders usually astride a great stallion. They dominate most of the green spaces around the barrio. In fact, one little plaza I walked through today had an enormous statue in the middle and in each corner were fairly substantial statues as well. Borges, the famous Argentine writer once complained "there wasn't a single square left in the city that hadn't been ruined by a dirty great bronze statue or someone or other." I thought was quite funny.
The first photo is of a rather serious looking chap called Ruben Dario (I think...the engraving is practically illegible now) who I guess was a writer - I must check that.
The second photo is of Bartolome Mitre who founded the very influential newspaper called La Nacion.
The third photo is of Uruguay's General Artigas - a guide describes it as being unfortunately quite facist looking.

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