Sunday, 18 May 2008

It Takes Two to Tango

I never thought I'd be able say I danced the Tango at a Milonga ... but tonight I did ... and it feels great. I went with Mary to the Confiteria La Ideal. An old man got me up and we danced the Tango and the Milonga. There are very definite codegas para bailando el tango. When you go alone las chicas all sit around tables and los hombres just sort of wander around (on the prowl so to speak). The point of going to the Milonga is to dance and that is the only consideration, so when you are looking for someone to dance with you dont care whether they are old, young, fat, skinny, beautiful or not because you are looking to dance, and nothing else. The men all walk around the women, its probably important to have seen her dancing so that you know you will get a good dance and then they go away. They ask you to dance by catching your glance and giving you the 'eye', and the woman accepts by nodding her head. She then stands and he comes over to collect her. Quite a ritual.
The tango that was danced at this milonga was traditional tango rather than the hollywood version we tend to see on TV shows at the moment. It is beautiful to watch, and I would say when you can dance it is very beautiful to dance as well. Of course my tango skills are sadly very lacking (not for long), but I felt very 'cool' just being walked around the room. I told the old man who danced with me that 'yo no se tango' (I dont know Tango) and he replied 'aprender caminando' (learn by walking), so I really appreciated him. Traditional dancers of tango turn their noses up at the 'touristy version'. The authentic tango is much more simple and beautiful to watch. You hold each other very close (very close and tight) from the chest up and dont touch at all from the chest down, in fact you need the space to execute the foot work. All the men are very strong leaders, which was also really great to watch. There is absolutely no mistaking what he wants the woman to do...and she does it. I am going to go back and take lessons at this place.
The Milonga is the place where you go to dance, and it also a dance. The music is faster than the tango. The tango music is very slow. Then you also have the waltz tango which has three counts but is not like the waltz as we know it at all. So those are the three types of dances.
Tonight there was also some folklore music ad dancing - Chacarera which is Gaucho dance from Las Pampas.
I've had a great weekend, but now its time for bed because I am muy muy cansada. Work in the morning :( Why do we have to work - it spoils all the fun!

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

You lucky girl you!!! Enjoy the lessons - love mum