Wednesday, 16 April 2008

Handsome Argentinian Hombres

Yes - Argentinian men are certainly well above average in the looks department - however........having 20 of them squashed up against me in the train doesn't do it for me I'm afraid. Two days ago I made the error of catching the train home at 6pm - muy grande mistake! It was ok when I got on at the beginning of the line, but by two stops further on I was in a sardine can - and, I had lost count of the number of stops we had made (because I still have to count the stops to know where to get off cos I dont recognise where I am yet) and I could not longer see the map on the wall cos there were too many people on the train. Honestly they were having to hang out of the doors and windows - not exaggerating - I was worried I was going to end up in Rio before I could get off. As it was I nearly lost my laptop because I was holding on tight to it but unfortunately it wasn't taking the same path off the train as I was - my arm is now 350cm longer because I was not letting it go. There were two casualties during this experience - one of my ear rings broke (tragedy) and my middle finger got dislocated. One of those interesting experiences that one must have, but never ever repeat again!


Mocha Fiesta said...

1 - Lorraine, I do think you are getting a bit distracted here. Surely the NZ (and PomKi) blokes would beat these guys hand down!! (Comment this)

Written by: nomis at 2008/04/11 - 18:17:03

2 - nomis,Hola nomis,
Argentinian hombres dont even come close to Pomki blokes - one pomki in particular anyway xo (Comment this)

Written by the blog's author: Lorraine at 2008/04/12 - 01:21:28

nellie stowers said...

I am reminded of a nun who had been mugged so many times on the buses and trains, that one day, she noticed that her watch was not on her wrist, so the young man near her on the bus had her watch! She was furious, got her pen, pushed it into the young man's back, and said, give me that watch. He immediately handed over the watch. She got off the watch, hanppy that she had finally stuck up for herself. Got home, and her watch was on the table beside her bed. She was horrified as she had just mugged that young man!! This happened in Peru.