Wednesday, 16 April 2008

No Fruit and Veg For Me

The political situation is fairly dire at the moment as the farmers have beeen picketing the roads in about 400 places around the country for the past 15 days. They are blocking fresh produce completely and also delaying all traffic. Bus journeys that normally take 13 hours instead are taking 25 hours - imagaine the frustration for travellers. There is also a shortage of fresh meat in the supermarkets - all the freezers and refrigerators are empty. So, no fibre in my diet this last week and it is not looking to promising for the next week or two either - my bod is objecting strenuously to this state of affairs.

I had the day off school today and tomorrow is a public holiday ... celebrating independence day ... so after going into the University of Buenos Aires (UBA) I played tourist for a while. Whilst wandering the street I walked straight into the middle of a political rally called by the Government to try and turn the people against the supporting the farmers. I think that most people here support the farmers cause. Funny thing was a reporter from the radio tried to interview me - we fumbled through with mixed English and Spanish (Spanglish) and found that I had the wrong end of the stick completely - I thought the rally was the farmers petitioning the Government but instead, it was the other way around...never mind, my Spanish is improving daily.

Chau for now

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